
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Most powerful chakra balance mantra



Monday, 27 January 2014

Mantra for intuitions power

Complete Mantra:

Waa yantee kar yantee, jag dut patee,
aadak it waha, brahmaday trayshaa guroo, it wahay

Language: sanskrit
Author: Patanjali
Great Macroself, Creative Self. All that is creative
through time, all that is the Great One. Three aspects
of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. That is Wahe Guru.
More Information:
This mantra was given by Patanjali, a great Yogi. It is
said that over two thousand years ago Patanjali was
lecturing students on prophets who would come in
the iron age, the age of Kaliyug. He prophesied Guru
Nanak Dev Ji's coming into the world and gave the
"Wah Yantee" mantra which describes Wahe Guru.
The "Wah Yantee" mantra also predicted the coming
of the "Wahe Guru" mantra.
The "Wah Yantee" mantra is known for awakening the

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Protection from psychic attack

Mantra: Alakh Baba Siri Chand
Complete Mantra:

Alakh Baba Siri Chand Di Rakh

This mantra calls upon the help of Baba Siri Chandh,
who was the son of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru.
He was sent by his father to teach the basic tenets of
Sikhism to the yogis in the Himalayas.
More Information:
This mantra is to be chanted only once per day. If
under psychic attack, this mantra will reflect the
energy back.

New Millennium Being Meditation for Courage , Prosperity , and to Remove All Obstacles

Har Har Har Har Gobinday,
Har Har Har Har Mukunday
Har Har Har Har Udaaray
Har Har Har Har Apaaray
Har Har Har Har Hariang
Har Har Har Har Kariang
Har Har Har Har Nirmaanay
Har Har Har Har Akaamay

Language: Gurmukhi
Har - Infinite Divinity.
Gobinday- Sustainer.
Mukunday- Liberator.
Udaaray- Enlightener.
Apaaray- Infinite
Hariang- Destroyer
Kariang- Creator
Nirnaamay- Nameless
Akaamay- Desireless
More Information:
Gobinday Mukande mantra given by Guru Gobind
Singh Four Har's in front of each given by Yogi
"This mantra is to fix the mental to prosperity or
power. It will produce
money, it will come. Opportunities will come. Richness
will come..." - Yogi Bhajan
"When you chant this mantra with the breath of life,
it's quick, it's purposeful, and it brings in what you
need to bring in..." - Yogi Bhajan

This meditation is powerful and recommended anytime
you feel stuck, need to be more grounded, and want to
attract prosperity.
This is a classic Kundalini Yoga meditation for courage ,
fearlessness, and a strong aura and radiant body. The
story goes that Guru Gobind Singh ( the tenth Sikh Guru
who drew the sword to fight for justice and truth. ) and
his soldiers chanted this mantra to prepare for and
while engaging in battle. We too can chant it to give
ourselves strength to deal with our life challenges.
This meditation has 40 sounds , which together
balance the 5 tattvas (air, water , fire, earth ,
and ether ), the 7 chakras and the arch line .
This mantra can penetrate into anything and
help avoid misfortune. It has the power to
break through any resistance or obstacles . It
is sacred but it is not secret. This meditation
was given by Yogi Bhajan to be successful
during these challenging times and to deal
with the intensity of the energy during the
shift to the Aquarian Age.
Before chanting , pick one life challenge that seems
difficult to deal with and place it in your heart while you
chant this mantra. Let the energy infuse the situation.
While chanting focus on the mantra and its energetic
effects. Pumping the navel with each HAR will keep you
present in your body, but you can get totally absorbed
into the sounds and feel very refreshed afterwards . You
may be surprised how you feel about your current
Prosperity and Presence
This meditation was also given as a prosperity
meditation . There is one basic requirement for
prosperity and manifesting ‘ You have to be home when
the postman comes .’ In other words you have to be
grounded in your body on Planet Earth and not floating
around in the ethers .
Pumping your navel in this meditation can keep you
present . But if you have any propensity for being
ungrounded and spaced out while meditating and in life ,
then do this mediation in archer pose . 5- 11 minutes on
each side . You will become super present , strong , and
magnetic . If you resist the thought , then this meditation
in archer pose is for you!
Sit in easy pose with the hands in gyan mudra ( thumb
and forefinger touching ) on the knees, elbows straight .
Chant this mantra 11- 31 minutes in the morning before
starting your day to program your psyche for success
and courage , to uplift your spirits , to create an aura of
invincibility, and a super strong radiant body. ( You will
glow in the dark . : +) You may find that 11 minutes is
not enough . You want to keep going and get
rejuvenated by the sounds. 15 or 22 minutes is good
and 31 minutes is very satisfying and empowering .
Repeat before each of the eight aspects of the Divine
Pump your navel center with each HAR . Be sure to
touch the tip of the tongue to the upper palate when
you are making the ‘ R ’ of HAR and the ‘ N’ in the other
mantras . The ‘ R ’ will the be enunciated correctly to
stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands and awaken
the frontal lobe and neutral mind .
Chant in a monotone , enunciating clearly each syllable.
Do not mumble , move your mouth to make the sounds.
HAR is a manifesting mantra. The other eight mantras
are aspects of the Divine. Chanting HAR before each
aspect pulls that energy into our physical and subtle
bodies .
HAR, HAR, HAR , HAR GOBINDE — Go bin day–
HAR, HAR , HAR , HAR MUKUNDE— Mu kun day–
HAR, HAR , HAR , HAR UDARE — Oo dar ay–
HAR, HAR , HAR , HAR APARE — A par ay–Infinite
HAR, HAR , HAR , HAR HARING — Har e ung –
HAR, HAR , HAR , HAR KARING— Kar e ung –
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR NIRNAME— Nir na may –
HAR, HAR , HAR , HAR AKAME — A ka may —
When you have finished sit quietly and feel the effects of
the meditation in your physical body, aura, and radiant
body. Consolidate, contain , and radiate love. Be
available for intuitive messages about your current life
challenge. They may come directly after the meditation
or later in the day. Be available to listen to your soul

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Kundilini yoga

Chapter Three

How To Awaken The Kundalini

One should become perfectly desireless and should be
full of Vairagya before attempting to awaken Kundalini.
It can be awakened only when a man rises above Kama,
Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and other impurities.
Kundalini can be awakened through rising above desires
of the senses. The Yogi, who has got a pure heart and a
mind free from passions and desires will be benefited by
awakening Kundalini. If a man with a lot of impurities in
the mind awakens the Sakti by sheer force through
Asanas, Pranayamas and Mudras, he will break his legs
and stumble down. He will not be able to ascend the
Yogic ladder. This is the chief reason for people going
out of the way or getting some bodily infirmities. There
is nothing wrong in the Yoga. People must have purity
first; then a thorough knowledge of the Sadhana, a
proper guide, and a steady, gradual practice. When
Kundalini is awakened there are many temptations on
the way, and a Sadhaka without purity will not have the
strength to resist.
A thorough knowledge of the theory is as essential as
the practice. Some are of opinion that theory is not at
all necessary. They bring one or two rare instances to
prove that Kundalini has been awakened even in those
who do not know anything about Nadis, Chakras and
Kundalini. It might be due to the grace of a Guru or by
mere chance. Everyone cannot expect this and neglect
the theoretical side. If you look at the man in whom
Kundalini has been awakened through the grace of a
Guru, you will not at once begin to neglect the practical
side and actually waste your time in passing from one
Guru to the other. The man who has a clear knowledge
of the theory and a steady practice, attains the desired
goal quickly.
Kundalini can be awakened by Pranayama, Asanas and
Mudras by Hatha Yogis; by concentration and training
of the mind by Raja Yogis; by devotion and perfect self-
surrender by Bhaktas; by analytical will by the Jnanis;
by Mantras by the Tantrikas; and by the grace of the
Guru ( Guru Kripa ) through touch, sight or mere
Sankalpa. Rousing of Kundalini and its union with Siva
at the Sahasrara Chakra effect the state of Samadhi
and Mukti. No Samadhi is possible without awakening
the Kundalini.
For a selected few, any one of the above methods is
quite sufficient to awaken the Kundalini. Many will have
to combine different methods. This is according to the
growth and position of the Sadhakas in the spiritual
path. The Guru will find out the real position of the
Sadhaka and will prescribe a proper method that will
successfully awaken the Kundalini in a short period.
This is something like the doctor prescribing a proper
medicine to a patient to cure a particular disease. One
kind of medicine will not cure the diseases of different
patients. So also, one kind of Sadhana may not suit all.
There are many persons nowadays who foolishly
imagine that they have attained purity, commit errors in
selecting some methods and neglect many important
items of Sadhana. They are poor, self-deluded souls.
Self-assertive, Rajasic Sadhakas will select some
exercises of their own fancy in an irregular manner and
leave all the exercises when they get some serious
After Kundalini is awakened, Prana passes upwards
through Brahma Nadi along with mind and Agni. You
will have to take it up to Sahasrara Chakra through
some special exercises such as Mahabheda, Sakti
Chalana, etc.
As soon as it is awakened, it pierces the Muladhara
Chakra (Bheda). It should be taken to Sahasrara
through various Chakras. When Kundalini is at one
Chakra, intense heat is felt there and when it leaves
that centre for another Chakra, the former Chakra
becomes very cold and appears lifeless.
Freedom from Kama, Krodha, Raga and Dvesha and
possession of balance of mind, cosmic love, astral
vision, supreme fearlessness, desirelessness, Siddhis,
divine intoxication and spiritual Ananda are the signs to
denote the awakening of Kundalini. When it is at rest, a
man has full consciousness of the world and its
surroundings. When it is awakened he is dead to the
world. He has no body-consciousness. He attains
Unmani state. When Kundalini travels from Chakra to
Chakra, layer after layer of the mind becomes opened
and the Yogi acquires psychic powers. He gets control
over the five elements. When it reaches the Sahasrara
Chakra, he is in the Chidakasa (knowledge space).
Awakening of the Kundalini Sakti, its union with Siva,
enjoying the nectar and other functions of the Kundalini
Yoga that are described in the Yoga Sastras are
misrepresented and taken in a literal sense by many.
They think that they are Siva and ladies to be Sakti and
that mere sexual union is the aim of Kundalini Yoga.
After having some wrong interpretation of the Yogic
texts, they begin to offer flowers and worship their wives
with lustful propensities. The term “Divine intoxication
that is derived by drinking the nectar” is also
misrepresented. They take a lot of wine and other
intoxicating drinks and imagine to have enjoyed the
Divine ecstasy. It is mere ignorance. They are utterly
wrong. This sort of worship and union is not at all
Kundalini Yoga. They divert their concentration on
sexual centres and ruin themselves. Some foolish young
boys practise one or two Asanas, Mudras and a little
Pranayama too for a few days, in any way they like, and
imagine that the Kundalini has gone up to their neck.
They pose as big Yogis. They are pitiable, self-deluded
souls. Even a Vedanti (a student of Jnana Yoga) can
get Jnana Nishtha only through awakening of the
Kundalini Sakti that lies dormant at the Muladhara
Chakra. No superconscious state or Samadhi is possible
without awakening this primordial energy, whether it is
Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga or Jnana Yoga.
It is easy to awaken the Kundalini, but it is very difficult
to take it to Sahasrara Chakra through the different
Chakras. It demands a great deal of patience,
perseverance, purity and steady practice. The Yogi who
has taken it to Sahasrara Chakra, is the real master of
all forces. Generally Yogic students stop their Sadhana
half-way on account of false Tushti (satisfaction). They
imagine that they have reached the goal when they get
some mystic experiences and psychic powers. They
desire to demonstrate such powers to the public to get
Khyati (reputation and fame) and to earn some money.
This is a sad mistake. Full realisation alone can give the
final liberation, perfect peace and Highest Bliss.
Different methods of awakening the Kundalini by Hatha
Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga will be
described one by one. Some aspirants will not get
perfection by only one method. A harmonious
combination of all methods is necessary for the vast
majority of persons. In the following pages I will tell you
the different exercises that are intended to awaken the
Kundalini. If you are wise enough, after a perusal of the
different exercises, you can easily pick up the right
method of Sadhana that suits you best and attain
Rousing of Kundalini and its union with Siva at the
Sahasrara Chakra effect the state of Samadhi and
Mukti. Before awakening the Kundalini, you must have
Deha Suddhi (purity of body), Nadi Suddhi (purification
of Nadis), Manas-Suddhi (purity of mind) and Buddhi
Suddhi (purity of intellect). For the purification of the
body, the following six exercises are prescribed:
Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Tratak and Kapalabhati. These
are known as Shat-Karma or the six purificatory
exercises in Hatha Yoga.
1. Dhauti
Purification is of two kinds: Antar-Dhauti (internal
cleaning) and Bahir-Dhauti (external cleaning). Antar-
Dhauti can be made in three ways. Take a fine piece of
muslin cloth, 3 inches wide and 15 feet long. The
borders should be stitched well and no pieces of loose
thread should be hanging from its sides. Wash it with
soap before use and make it clean. Dip it in tepid water.
Squeeze out the water and swallow one end of it little
by little. On the first day swallow only one foot. Keep it
there for a few seconds and then take it out very slowly.
On the next day swallow a little more and keep it for a
few minutes and then take it out slowly. Thus little by
little you can swallow the whole length, retain it for
about 5 minutes and then take it out. Do not be hasty.
Do not injure your throat by rough handling. When the
Kriya is over drink a cup of milk. This is a sort of
lubrication for the throat. This exercise should be done
when your stomach is empty. Morning time is good.
You need not practise this every day. Once in 4 days or
a week is sufficient. This exercise cannot at all do any
harm if gradually practised. Everyone will feel a little
vomiting sensation on the first 2 or 3 attempts. As soon
as the Kriya is over, wash the cloth with soap and keep
it always clean. This is an excellent exercise for those
who are of a flabby and phlegmatic constitution.
Gradual steady practice cures Gulma, gastritis,
dyspepsia, diseases of the stomach and spleen, disorder
of phlegm and bile. This exercise is also known as
Vastra Dhauti. This is one variety of Antar-Dhauti.
There are some people who can drink plenty of water
and pass it through the anus immediately. It is called
Varisara Dhauti. This is an effective method. This
exercise is also known as ‘Sang Pachar Kriya’. Yogi
Sambhunathaji of Kishkindha is an expert in this Kriya.
This is not possible for the vast majority of persons.
Nauli and Uddiyana Bandha should be combined for
performing this exercise. Even the smoke of a cigarette
can be passed out through the anus.
Drink a large quantity of water and shake the abdominal
portions. Contract the stomach and vomit the water.
This exercise goes with the name ‘Kunjara Kriya’. This
is also a kind of purificatory exercise.
Internal cleaning can be made also by swallowing air.
Fill up the stomach with plenty of air. It is done by
hiccough. Just as you swallow food little by little, so
also you can swallow air and fill up the stomach and
intestines. You will have to learn this from the man who
can do this Kriya. When you contract the abdominal
muscles, the air will pass away through the anus as
Apana Vayu. Those who can fill up their stomach with
air, can float on water just like a dead body and can
also live on air and water alone for some days without
any food. Those who can do Antar-Dhauti in any way,
need not go in for any purgative or laxative. They will
never suffer from indigestion or constipation.
There are some other Dhautis, viz., Danta Dhauti
(cleaning the teeth), Jihva Dhauti (cleaning the tongue),
Karna Dhauti (cleaning the ears), Mula Sodhana Dhauti
(cleaning the anus), etc. These are being done by you
all everyday. I need not tell you much about these.
2. Basti
‘Basti’ exercise is intended to serve the purpose of
‘enema’ to pass out the accumulation of faeces from
the intestinal canal. There are two varieties, viz., Sthala
Basti and Jala Basti.
STHALA BASTI: Sit on the ground and catch hold of
your toes with fingers. Do not bend the knees. This is
exactly like the Paschimottanasana, but here you need
not bring your head to the knees. Assuming this
posture, churn the abdominal muscles and dominal
muscles and expel the water. It cures uriter muscles.
This is Sthala Basti.
JALA BASTI: This is more effective than Sthala Basti.
Take a small bamboo tube, five inches long. Lubricate
one end of it with vaseline, oil or soap. Sit in a tub of
water or in a tank in knee-level of water in Utkatasana.
Insert the bamboo tube about 2 or 3 inches into the
anus. Contract the anus. Draw the water into the
intestines slowly. Shake the abdominal muscles and
expel the water. It cures urinary troubles, dropsy,
constipation, etc. You should not do this everyday and
make it a habit. This is only for occasional use. Do this
in the morning hours before taking meals. If you do not
know how to draw in the water through the tube, then
you can use the ordinary syringe that is available in the
market. By the use of the bamboo, you will know the
method of drawing water through the anus. But in the
enema syringe water is being pushed in by the help of
air. That is only the difference but the result is the
same in both cases. By using the bamboo tube you can
have mastery over the intestinal muscles by drawing in
and pushing out the water at your command.
3. Neti
‘Neti’ exercise is intended for the purification of the
nostrils. The nostrils must be kept always clean.
Unclean nostrils will lead you to irregular breathing.
Irregular breathing will make you sick.
Take a fine piece of thread about 12 inches long. There
should not be any knot in the middle of the thread. It
should not be too thin and weak. Insert one end of it
into the right nostril and catch hold of the other end
firmly. Make a forcible, continuous inhalation and pass
it inside. Then slowly pull it out. Again in the same way
pass it through the left nostril and take it out slowly. Do
not injure your nostrils through violent pulling. After
some practice, pass the thread through one nostril and
take it out through the other. In the beginning you will
begin to sneeze profusely when you insert the thread
into the nose. This passes off after 3 or 4 attempts.
This can be practised when you find that your nostril is
blocked from cold.
There is another easy method of cleaning the nostrils.
Take some cold water in your hand or in a wide-
mouthed cup. Draw the water slowly through the nose
and expel it forcibly through the nose. There are many
who can do this quite easily. After one or two attempts
some persons may suffer from slight cold and cough
when they begin to learn this. As soon as they are all
right, again, they can practise.
You have seen many who draw the smoke of a cigarette
through the mouth and pass it by the nose quite easily.
If cigarette users try, they can draw the smoke through
one nostril and pass it out by the other nostril or by the
mouth. In the same way water also can be passed quite
Drawing water and expelling it through the nose is
known as ‘Seet-Krama’. If you draw water through the
nose and expel it through the mouth, it is called ‘Vyut-
Krama’. In Gheranda Samhita it is stated that this Neti
Kriya purifies the skull and produces clairvoyance (Divya
Drishti). Rhinitis and coryza are also cured thereby.
4. Nauli
Nauli Kriya is intended for regenerating, invigorating and
stimulating the abdominal viscera and the gastro-
intestinal or alimentary system. For the practice of Nauli
you should know the Uddiyana Bandha. Uddiyana can be
done even in a sitting posture; but Nauli is generally
done while standing.
Stage I: Do a strong and forcible expiration through the
mouth and keep the lungs completely empty. Contract
and forcibly draw the abdominal muscles towards the
back. This is Uddiyana Bandha. This is the first stage of
Nauli. Uddiyana Bandha terminates in Nauli.
For practising Nauli, stand up. Keep the right leg a foot
apart from the left leg. If you keep up the feet close
together, at times you may lose the balance and
stumble down. Rest your hands on the thighs, thus
making a slight curve of the back. Then do Uddiyana
Bandha. Do this for one week before proceeding to the
next stage.
Stage II : Now allow the centre of the abdomen free by
contracting the left and right side of the abdomen. You
will have all the muscles in the centre in a vertical line.
This is called Madhyama Nauli. Keep it as long as you
can with comfort. Do only this much for a few days.
Stage III : Here you should contract the right side of the
abdomen and allow the left side free. You will have the
muscles on the left side only. This is called Vama Nauli.
Again contract the left side muscles and allow the right
side free. This is Dakshina Nauli. By having such
gradual practices, you will understand how to contract
the muscles of the central, left and right sides of the
abdomen. You will also notice how they move from side
to side. In this stage you will see the abdominal
muscles only in the central, right or the left side.
Practise this stage for a week.
Stage IV : Keep the muscles in the centre. Slowly bring
to the right side and then to left side in a circular way.
Do this several times from the right to left side and then
do it in a reverse way from the left to right side. You
should turn the muscles always with a circular motion
slowly. When you advance in the practice you can do it
quickly; but you can derive full benefits of this Kriya
when you do it very slowly and gradually. This last
stage of Nauli will appear like ‘churning’ when the
abdominal muscles are isolated and rotated from side to
Beginners will feel slight pain of abdomen in the first
two or three attempts. They need not fear and stop the
practice. The pain will vanish away in 2 or 3 days.
When Nauli is demonstrated by the advanced Yogic
student, the onlookers will be extremely surprised to
look at the movements of the abdominal muscles. They
will feel as if an engine is working in the abdominal
When beginners want to do Dakshina Nauli, they should
slightly bend towards the left side and contract the left
muscles. When they want to do Vama Nauli, let them
bend a little to the right side. In Madhyama Nauli, push
the entire muscles forward by contracting the two sides.
This exercise is not at all possible for those who have a
barrel-like belly. When they find it difficult to carry their
own belly, they cannot at all dream of getting success
in this Kriya. They can also try by gradual slow practice.
For getting success, they must exert hard and have
rigorous practice for a long time. Those who have a
tender body can very easily learn and perform this Kriya
in a beautiful and efficient manner.
In the famous Hardwar cosmopolitan platform where
Punjabis and Bengali Baboos stroll in the evening with
their ladies, on the banks of the Ganges, some persons
demonstrate Nauli and various other Asanas and
Mudras for the sake of a few pies only. They pass on
from one exercise to the other very quickly. You will find
the same in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay, Madras and in all
the busy centres. This is only a sort of profession. It is
not at all Yoga. It is only a variety of physical feats.
From the very condition of their body you will find that
they do not possess all the qualifications and aims of a
Yogi, They do not even appear physically better, since
they are habituated to intoxicant drinks, Ganja, Bhang,
If the Yogic exercises are done in the right way with the
right mental attitude, it will surely lead you to spiritual
growth. Nauli Kriya eradicates chronic constipation,
dyspepsia and all other diseases of the gastro-intestinal
system. Nauli helps Sang Pachar and Basti Kriya also.
The liver and pancreas are toned. The kidneys and other
organs of the abdomen function properly. Nauli is a
blessing to humanity. It is a sovereign specific ‘ uni-all ’
or an ideal ‘pick-me-up.’
5. Trataka
‘Trataka’ is steady gazing at a particular point or object
without winking. Though this is one of the six
purificatory exercises, it is mainly intended for
developing concentration and mental focusing. It is very
useful for the students of Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga,
Bhakti Yoga and Raja Yoga. There is no other effective
method for the control of the mind. Some of the
students who claim that they belong to Jnana Yoga,
neglect such important exercises since they are
described under Hatha Yogic portions. Sri Ramana
Maharshi the famous Jnani of Tiruvannamalai, was
doing this exercise. You could have seen it clearly if you
had been to his Ashram for his Darshan. While seated
on his sofa in his room, he used to gaze on the walls.
When he sat on the veranda in an easy-chair, he
steadily looked at the distant hills or at the sky. This
enabled him to keep up a balanced state of mind.
Nothing could distract his mind. He was very calm and
cool always. He was not at all distracted by any one
even though his Bhaktas might be talking and singing
by his side.
(1) Keep the picture of Lord Krishna, Rama, Narayana or
Devi in front of you. Look at it steadily without winking.
Gaze at the head; then at the body; then at the legs.
Repeat the same process again and again. When your
mind calms down look at a particular place only. Be
steady till tears begin to flow. Then close the eyes and
mentally visualise the picture.
(2) Gaze on a black dot on a white wall or draw a black
mark on a piece of white paper and hang it on the wall
in front of you.
(3) Draw the picture Om (!) on a piece of paper and
have it before your seat. Do Trataka on it.
(4) Lie down on an open terrace and gaze at a
particular bright star or on the full moon. After some
time, you will see different colours of lights. Again some
time later, you will see only a particular colour
throughout, and all other surrounding stars will
disappear. When you gaze at the moon, you will see
only a bright moon on a black background. At times you
will see a huge mass of light all around you. When
gazing becomes more intense, you can also see two or
three moons of the same size and at times you cannot
see any moon at all even though your eyes may be wide
(5) Select at random any place in the open sky in the
morning or evening hours and gaze at it steadily. You
will get new inspirations.
(6) Look at a mirror and gaze at the pupil of your eye.
(7) Some people do Trataka at the space between the
two eyebrows or at the tip of the nose. Even during
walking, some persons do Trataka at the tip of the
(8) Advanced students can do Trataka at the inner
Chakras, ( Padmas). Muladhara, Anahata, Ajna and
Sahasrara are the important centres for Trataka.
(9) Keep a ghee-lamp before you and gaze at the
flames. Some astral entities give Darshan through the
(10) Very few Yogins do Trataka on the sun. It requires
the help of an experienced man by their side. They begin
to gaze on the rising sun and after gradual practice they
do Trataka on the sun even in the midday. They get
some special Siddhis (psychic powers) by this practice.
All are not fit for this Sadhana. All the first 9 exercises
will suit everyone and they are harmless. The last one,
sun-gazing should not be attempted until you get the
help of an experienced man.
When you do the practice in your meditation room, sit in
your favourite Asana (posture), Siddhasana or
Padmasana. At other times you can do in a standing or
sitting posture. Trataka can be profitably done even
when you walk. As you walk along the streets, do not
look hither and thither. Gaze at the tip of the nose or
toes. There are many persons who do not look at the
face when they talk to others. They have their own gaze
at a particular place and talk. No particular Asana is
required for this Sadhana.
When you gaze at a picture, it is Trataka. When you
close your eyes and mentally visualise the picture, it is
Saguna Dhyana (meditation with form). When you
associate the attributes of God such as omnipresence,
omnipotence, omniscience, purity, perfection, etc., the
name and the form of the object of Trataka will
automatically disappear and you will enter into Nirguna
Dhyana (abstract meditation).
Do Trataka for two minutes to start with. Then
cautiously increase the period. Do not be impatient.
Gradual steady practice is required. Gazing at a spot
even for three full hours continuously counts for nothing,
if the mind is wandering. The mind also must be on the
spot. Then only you will advance in this practice and
attain many psychic powers.
Those who cannot gaze steadily for a second in spite of
several attempts, need not worry much. They can close
their eyes and gaze at an imaginary spot at the space
between the two eyebrows.
Those who have very weak eye-capillaries should do
Trataka after closing their eyes on any imaginary spot
within or without. Do not tax your eyes by over-
practice. When you feel tired, close your eyes and keep
your mind on the object of Trataka. When you sit and
do Trataka do not shake the body.
Trataka improves eyesight. Many who had some eye-
troubles have realised immense benefits by Trataka.
Going beyond one’s own power and gazing at the sun
without any help may produce serious troubles. For
gazing on the sun you must have your guide by your
side. The Guru will prescribe some oil to rub on your
head to avoid such serious troubles and to cool the
system. You should apply honey to your eyes at night
when you practise sun-gazing.
The same object of gazing will appear as something
else during the practice. You will have many other
visions. Different people have different experiences. You
will not even believe certain things when others tell you
of their experiences. Trataka alone cannot give you all
Siddhis. After the control of the mind, when it becomes
steady, you will have to manipulate the mind by
prescribed methods for the attainment of powers.
Therefore the powers that are obtained by this practice
may vary in different persons. It depends upon the
further training of the mind, in a particular way.
Young aspirants, who pose as big Yogins, neglect such
practices and ask whether this practice is Moksha.
Certainly that practice itself is not Moksha. Different
practices are for the attainment of Moksha. One can
attain the goal by a particular method, others by
different methods. Remember this point always.
Otherwise you will be neglecting all the methods. You
will be misguided and lose the goal if you neglect the
By the practice of Trataka, diseases of the eyes are
removed. Eye-sight improves. Many have thrown away
their spectacles after taking to this practice. Will-power
is developed. Vikshepa is destroyed. It steadies the
mind. Clairvoyance, thought-reading, psychic cure and
other Siddhis are obtained very easily.
Once again I will tell you that Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga,
Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc., are not incompatibles
like Cocaine and Soda Bicarbonate. They are not
antagonistic to each other. Do not neglect this exercise
for the mere reason that it comes under Hatha Yoga
portions. Even though you may claim to be a student of
Jnana Yoga or Bhakti Yoga, you can take to this
practice. It is a very effective powerful remedy for a
wandering mind. It prepares the mind undoubtedly for
perfect Dhyana and Samadhi. This is assuredly a means
for the end. You must ascend the Yogic ladder or stair-
case step by step. Several persons have been benefited
by this useful exercise. Why not you, also, dear friend,
sincerely attempt to practise this from this moment? I
have given you different exercises for Trataka. Select
any one of the methods that suits you best and realise
the spiritual benefits. Do this for one month regularly
and let me know your experiences, benefits and also
troubles, if any.
6. Kapalabhati
Kapalabhati is an exercise for the purification of skull
and lungs. Though this is one of the Shat-Karmas (six
purificatory exercises), yet it is a variety of Pranayama
Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana. Keep the hands on the
knees. Perform Puraka (inhalation) and Rechaka
(exhalation) rapidly. Those who can do Bhastrika
Pranayama can easily do this. In Bhastrika there is a
Kumbhaka (retention of breath) for a long time at the
end of the required rounds. But in Kapalabhati there is
no Kumbhaka. Again in Kapalabhati, Puraka is very long
and mild, but Rechaka is too quick and forcible. In
Bhastrika, Puraka is done as quickly as Rechaka. This is
the only difference between Kapalabhati and Bhastrika.
In Kapalabhati, Rechaka should be done forcibly and
quickly by contracting the abdominal muscles with
backward push. To start with, have only one expulsion
per second. In the beginning do 10 expulsions per
round. Gradually increase 10 expulsions to each round
till you get 120 expulsions for each round.
It cleanses the respiratory system and nasal passages.
It removes spasm in bronchial tubes. Consequently
Asthma is relieved and cured also in course of time.
Consumption is cured by this practice. Impurities of the
blood are thrown out. The circulatory and respiratory
systems are toned to a considerable degree. Shat-
Karmas are intended for the purification of the body.
When Nadis are impure Kundalini cannot pass from the
Muladhara to Sahasrara Chakra. Purification of Nadis is
effected through Pranayama. For Pranayama, you
should know well about Prana.
KUNDALINI YOGA -- index-| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |

Best brain mantra to improve memory

Mantra to increase memory power

This is a simple three letter Mantra to increase memory
power.Many a mes it has been noted that not only
children; but adults as well suffer from lapses in
Is has been said that the continuous chanting of the
mantra increases memory power.It has also been
recommended that this mantra need to be recited 1188
times to show results


Saturday, 18 January 2014

Maha kaal bhairav enemy mantra

Maha Kaal Bhairav Enemy Destruction Mantra

The Maha Kaal Bhairav Enemy Destruction Mantra is
one of the most destructive of the Indian Tantrik
Mantras for eradicating enemies. This is an out and out
Tamas Mantra and is not to be practiced if you are not
an experienced Tantrik. The purpose of this Prayog is to
invoke Bhairav to destroy your enemy.
The Mantra chanting is done at night time; care should
be taken that you are not disturbed while chanting the
The Shatru Nashak Prayog is successful if the Sadhana
is conducted continuously for 29 days and the mantra is
chanted 10,000 times in this period. The Sadhak has to
face the Agneya Disha (South-East] direction and sit on
a Buffalo Skin or a Pure Sheep Wool handmade desi
blanket. The recommended Mala is the one of Rudraksh
The place where [ अमुकं ]/ [ Amukam] is written with the
name of the enemy

Kundilini yog sadhana

Kundalini Yoga Sadhana

Sadhana means daily spiritual practice. It is the
foundation of all spiritual endeavor. Sadhana is your
personal, individual spiritual effort. It is the main tool
you use to work on yourself to achieve the purpose of
life. It can be done alone or in a group. Sadhana is
whatever you do consistently to clear your own
consciousness so you can relate to the infinity within
you. Before you face the world each day, do yourself a
favor and tune up your nervous system and attune
yourself to your highest inner self. To cover all your
bases, it will include exercise, meditation, and prayer.
During what are called the "ambrosial hours" (the two
and a half hours just before sunrise), when the sun is
at a sixty-degree angle to the Earth, the energy you put
into your sadhana gets maximum results . Your world is
quieter. It's easier to meditate and concentrate before
the hustle and bustle of the day begins.
If you absolutely cannot get up early in the morning to
do sadhana, then do it some other time! Doing sadhana
at any time of the day or night will benefit you.

(Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti
Parwha Kaur)

Develop a regular sadhana and you take control of your
life . Develop a deep sadhana and you open the doors of
experience. Commit to meet your higher Self each
morning and your decisions and your life become
original; your life will bear the signature of your soul;
your radiance will express the meaningful intimacy of
the Infinite in each moment. Immerse yourself in the joy
of victory that comes from starting each day with a
powerful sadhana and every challenge becomes
opportunity. (Sadhana Guidelines)
Start your day gently, waking up with a few stretches
and pranayam in bed. Then bathe, preferably with a cold
shower, purifying your body and preparing it for the day
ahead. Wear comfortable clothes that were not slept in
and cover your head with any sort of natural cloth scarf
or hat. Create a sacred physical space for your daily
practice, embellishing it with inspiring images, flowers,
crystals, or whatever suits you. Have a shawl or
sweater handy and sit on a sheepskin or natural-fiber

"What is sadhana?
It’s a committed prayer.
It is something which you want to do,
have to do, and which is being done by you. …
Sadhana is self-enrichment.
It is not something which is done
to please somebody or to gain something.
Sadhana is a personal process
in which you bring out your best."
~Yogi Bhajan
Morning Sadhana for the Aquarian Age
A daily practice for a ttotal of 62 minutes, every morning
for the rest of your life.
Set by Yogi Bhajan,
the Master of Kundalini Yoga

4:00 AM
Reading of Banis which is Japji Sahib

4:20 AM
Kundalini Yoga (As taught by Yogi Bhajan)
Various daily yoga sets , led by a certified yoga teacher,
to prepare for meditation . You can by the Sadhana
Guidelines at Spirit Voyage, Ancient Healing Ways,
Amazon and receive many different types to do.

5:00 AM
How to Tune In before starting (Videos)
These are the mantras that precedes ALL Kundalini
Yoga practice.
Tune in with the three repetitions of Adi Mantra,
Namo Guru Dev Namo, and Aad Guray Nemah

mantra is
also used for protection.
7 minutes:

Ek Ong Kaar,
Sat Naam, Siree
Wha-hay Guroo

Following a Full Deep Breath, express EK powerfully,
albeit momentarily, squeeze mul bandh - pulling navel
to rectum, followed by ONNNNG tongue to palate,
stretch out nnnng , then KAAR stretch out aarrrrr , then...
Following a Full Deep Breath, express SAT powerfully,
albeit momentarily, squeeze mul bandh - pulling navel
to rectum, followed by NAAMMMM stretch out
mmmmm , lips touching , then SIRI, which' sounds like
'city' and is recited as a short-quick expression, then...
Following a 1/2 Breath, express WHAA powerfully, albeit
momentarily, squeeze mul bandh - pulling navel to
rectum, then a short-quick He, followed by GUROOOO
stretch out ooooo .
(ROOT LOCK aka Mul (Mool) Band h, Root Lock is
frequently used and closes off the lower 3 chakras and
allows the kundalini energy to rise. To apply Root Lock:
Contract the muscles of the rectum, the sex organs and
the navel point ... Pulling in and up on the navel. NOTE:
This entire sequence requires approximately 60 seconds
to complete. ( See MUL BANDH. )
The sound ONNNNG should resonate throughout the
nasal-cranial cavities with the tongue touching the
upper palate lightly to cause the entire cranium to
vibrate like a bell. On the sound NAAMMMM , bring the
lips together and let the MMMM sound resonate
throughout the cranium. Inhale deeply after 11 minutes,
31 minutes, or 2-1/2 hour durations, hold the breath for
10 seconds. Relax.
Source Page of Ek Ong Kar
There is One Creator who has created this Creation.
Truth is His name. Ecstatic beyond words is his wisdom
and guidance.
The cornerstone of morning sadhana is the Adi Shakti
Mantra, also called Long Ek Ong Kars or Morning Call.
This mantra initiates the kundalini, initiating the
relationship between our soul and the Universal Soul.
Opens the chakras and energizes your higher
7 minutes

Waah Yantee, Kar Yantee,
Jag Dut Patee,
Aadak It Whaa-haa,
Brahmaaday Trayshaa Guroo
It Wha-hay Guroo

Great Macroself, Creative Self. All that is creative
through time, all that is the Great One. Three aspects of
God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. That is Wahe Guru. This
mantra is from the teachings of Patanjali. The practice
of this mantra is the culmination of hundreds of years of

Seven mintes

Ek Ong Kar
Sat Nam
Kartaa Purkh
Akaal Moorat
Gur Prasad
Aad Sach
Jugaad Sach
Haibhee Sach
Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach

There is one Creator who created this creation. Truth is
His name. He is the Doer of everything. He is fearless
and revengeless, the Image of the infinite, unborn, self
illumined, complete in the self. This is revealed by the
True Guru's Grace. Meditate! This was true in the
beginning. This was true through all the ages. This is
true even now. Oh Nanak it is forever true.
Mul means root. This is the root mantra that begins the
Siri Guru Granth Saahib, the Sikh scriptures and is the
most condensed essence of the entire teachings of this
holy book. It acts as a compass towards God.
This complete mantra has everything in it. It is a
technology, a description and a technique. It forms the
basis of the consciousness that we wish to develop and
that exists in our very soul. The entire Mul Mantra is
the highest of all mantras, and it contains in it the root
of sound that is the basis for all effective mantras.

7 minutes

Sat Siree
Siree Akaal
Siree Akaal
Maahaa Akaal
Maahaa Akaal
Sat Naam
Akaal Moorat
Wah-hay Guroo

Great Truth
Great Undying
Great Undying
Great Deathless
Great Deathless
Truth is His Name
Deathless Image of God
Great beyond description is His Wisdom

7 minutes

Rakhay Rakhanahaar aap ubaariun
Gur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaariun
Hoaa aap dayaal manho na visaarium
Saadh janaa kai sung bhavajal taariun
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaariun
Tis saahib kee taayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simarat sukh ho-eh sagalay dookh jaa-eh

Translation: Oh Savior Lord, save us and take us
across. Falling at the feet ofthe Guru, our works are
embellished with perfection. You have become kind,
merciful and compassionate. We do not forget You from
our minds. In the company of the holy, we are carried
across the terrifying world ocean. In an instant, You
have destroyed the faithless cynics and slanderous
enemies. That Lord and Master is my anchor and
support. 0 Nanak hold firm in your mind. Remembering
Him in meditation, happiness comes and all sorrows
and pains simply vanish.
Rakhe Rakhanhaar is one of the seven mantras Yogi
Bhajan assigned in 1991 (to help us transition into the
Aquarian Age) for our morning sadhana. This is a
Shabad of protection against all negative forces which
move against one's walk on the path of destiny, both
inner and outer.

22 minutes

Wha-hay guroo,
Wha-hay guroo,
Wha-hay guroo,
Wha-hay jeeo

Wahe or Wha-hay is an exclamation of ecstasy like
Wow! Guru is teacher or guide. Gu means darkness and
ru means light. Guru takes one from the darkness into
the light.
Wah Hey Guru means ecstasy through consciousness,
and works really well with repetitive actions like
chopping food, walking and running or try to fall asleep.
Next time you are finding your thoughts overwhelming,
just substitute the mantra and see how long you can
refuse to be dragged away into obsessive thinking. Even
if it is for just 3 minutes, the relief and calm that comes
as a result is so wonderful.
You gain perspective and decisions are easier, use the
mantra to create a period of time where you do not
think at all.
Just turn the mantra over and over, refusing to enter
into any thought that tries to hook you away from the
simple repetition. It takes care of phobias, fears and
neuroses, can remove unsettling thoughts from the past.
It can take a difficult situations in the present and
release them into the hands of infinity and do it in 40

5 minutes

Guru Guru Wahe Guru,
Guru Ram Das Guru

This mantra is one of humility. It opens the Heart
Center (4th chakra) so that we can feel and effortlessly
radiate universal love. We call on Guru Ram Das in
praise of his spiritual guiding light and protective
The first part (Guru Guru Wahe Guru) projects the mind
to the source of knowledge and ecstasy. The second
part (Guru Ram Das Guru) means "the wisdom that
comes as a servant of the Infinite.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Secret mohini mantra

Secret Gauri Mohini Sabar Mantra Sadhana
(Gauri Mohini Mala+ Gauri Yantra)
These are Sabar Tel or Oil Gauri Mohini Mantra of
attraction. These Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra are
additionally referred to as Gupt or Secret Mohini
Siddhi of this Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra can only be
attained on the night of the Hindu competition of Diwali
or any Amavasya. On the night time of Diwali, and the
and can be known as the pageant of lights this mantra
must be recited 888 times, it is just then that you
possibly can be attain Siddhi. After attaining Siddhi this
Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra can be used by Abhimintrit
a bit of Oil kept in your arms in a small utensil by
reciting this Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra 21 times. Then
you have to sprinkle a bit little bit of that Oil on the
physique of the person you wish to attract. It is stated
that this will likely even deliver that individual beneath
your spell of attraction.
Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra

Om namo maan mohini rani mohini chal sair ko mastak
ghar tel ka deep jal mohu thal mohu sab jagat mohu
aur mohu mohani rani jaa shaiya baithee mohan darbar
Gauri Parvati ki duhai l
Loni chamar ki duhai firae nahi Hanumanth ki aan l
Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra in Hindi
ॐ नमो मन मोहिनी रानी मोहिनी चल सैर को मस्तक घर तेल
का दीप जल मोहूँ थल मोहूँ सब जगत मोहूँ और मोहूँ
मोहनी रानी जा शैय्य़ा बैठी मोहन दरबार
गौरी पार्वती की दुहाई l
लोनी चमार की दुहाई फिरे नहीं हनुमंत की आन l

The principles for this mantra have been precisely such
as the one given above; the simplest distinction is that
the Siddhi for this mantra may be attained by reciting
this mantra only once.
Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra

Om namo maan mohini sinhasan baithee moha rahi
darbar meri bhakti guruki shakti duhai Gauri Parvati
Baajrang Bali ki aan nahi to lona chamari ki aan lage l
Secret Gauri Mohini Mantra in Hindi
ॐ नमो मन मोहिनी सिंहासन बैठी मोह रही दरबार
मेरी भक्ति गुरुकी शक्ति दुहाई गौरी पार्वती बजरंग बली की आन
नहीं तो लोना चमारी की आन लगे l

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Bhoot pret vashikaran

Bhoot Pret Pisach Vashikaran Sadhna

Mantra :-
Aum Hraam Hreem Shreem Kleem Namah

Seat Near Peepal Tree At Tuesday Or Sunday And Recite
This Mantra 32000 Times After It Put Cow Milk And
Pure Ghee Mixed In The Rope Of Tree And Show Incense
And Dhoop So You Will Get Administration Power
(Siddhi) Mastery Over All Kind Of Bhoot Pret And Pisach.
They Will Do Your Work. All Kind Of Yaksh, Evil, Spirits
Will Follow Your Orders. In Simple Words This Mantra
Will Do Vashikaran For Them And They Will Come Under
Your Control

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Mantra for removal of diseases and for good health

Mantra for removal of diseases and be healthy
Posted in categoty: Divine Mantras
Recite the following mantra for 108 times. Take a black
thread and put a knot after every recitation. Thus at the
end of the recutation there will be 108 knots in the
thread. Tie it in the neck. This will help to reduce and
removal of diseases.

Om Namo Bhagavathe Sree Paarshwa-Naathaaya
Dharanedra Padmaavathee Sahithaaya Ekaahika
Dwayaahika Thryaahika Chaathurthika Pana Maasik
Vaatha Pitha Kapha Slesham Sannipaathika Sarva
Rogaanam. Sarva Prethaanaam Sarva Dushtaanaam
Sarva Saakinee-Naam, Naashay Naashay Vaasaya
Kshobhaya Kshobhaya Om Hoom Phat Swaahaa.

For getting good sleep at night.
Recite just once before going to bed. You will be
protected from evils which may obstruct your sleep and
make you free from seeing bad dreams

Om karma pishaajo amogha sathya vaadinee mama
karma avathara avathara atheethi.

Mantra for removal of anxiety and accomplishment of desires

Mantras for removal of anxiety and accomplishment of
Posted in categoty: Divine Mantras
Recite the following mantra for one lakh and 25
thousand times. Lite dhoop [incense] in front of the
sadhaka while reciting. Once the sadhaka has completed
recitation for 1.25 lakh times, whenever there is anxiety
on any matter, recite the mantra once and think in your
mind that you may be relieved of anxiety. Anxiety will be
removed and auspicious results achieved.

Om Hraam Hreem Hroom Hrown Hra: A-SI-Aa-U-Saa
Nama: Swaahaa:

Mantra for fulfillment of desires
Recitation of the following mantra daily in the morning
as many times as possible will fulfill one’s desires. This
is a very powerful and mantra.

Om Hreem A Si Aa U Saa Nama
Mantra for peace of mind
Om Hreem Arhathe Utpatha Utpatha Swaahaa.

Take mustard seeds and recite the following mantra for
21 times. Keep these seeds on your hand for few
minutes. All your desires will be fulfilled.
Om Purushakaaye Aghoraaye Pravega Tho Jaaya Lahu
Kuru Kuru Swaahaa.
Recite the following mantras for 2000 times on
Deepavali day. All your desires will be fulfilled.

Om Namo Bhagavathe Sree Paarshwanaathaaya Hreem
Dharendra Padmaavathee Sahithaaya Atte Mutte
Kshudra Vighatte Kshudraana Sthambhaya Sthambhaya
Dushtaana Chooraya Chooraya Manovaanchitha
Pooraya Pooraya Swaahaa.

Daily recite the following mantra for 108 times for
fulfillment of desires

Om Hreem Sree Sree Shaanthi Naathaaya Jagath
Shanthi Karaaya Sarvo-padrava-shaanthi Kuru Kuru
Heem Nama: Swaahaa.

Mantra for employment and Education

“Om namo sarvarthsadhni swaha”

This mantra should be recited ten thousand times to
obtain sidhi of the mantra. When you are to start
anywork or have a meeting with any important man for
some specific work etc recite this mantra for 108 times.
By doing it with full devotion you will succeed in
obtaining your goals.
To get employment
offer water to sun daily after bath starting from Sunday
and recite this mantra

“om namo bhagwati suryee

to get employment recite this mantra for ten thousand
The mantra is

“om namah servarsadhni sadhni savaha”

To get good education

by doing the given mantras one will be blessed with
success in the examination, will have concentration of
mind in education, will not forget but retains and
remembers whatever he reads.
These are again tested mantras

“Om aeeing namaha”
“Om aeeing kaleeng namaha”
“Om harreng aeeing hareeng saraswatiye namaha”

Mantra for delayed mariage

This is again a tested mantra to be recited by girl for
having good husband of her choice.
The mantras are

“Om hareeng kumaraye namah sawaha”

This mantra should be recited by girl for one lakh and
25 thousand times.
The girl should recite the following mantra. The girl
should worship maa durga and then recite five rosary of
the following mantra daily for 21 days.

“Hey gauri shankaradhan yatha twam shankarpriya
Tatha man kuru kalyani kantkantan sudurlabham”
Again here is a tested mantra to find a suitable boy for

“Om katyayani mahabhage mahayoginy adhishvarim
Nand gop sutam devi patiam me kurute namah”

The above mantra be recited in the morning facing east
and facing west in the evening on a asana with clean
clothes at a lonely place by the girl. At every sittings at
least five rosaries be performed. After 41 days
continuos recitation and on Friday or Monday shukal
pakash pooja of mother parvati be performed and girl
should offer meals to nine minor girls and three small
boys. According to one’s capacity girls be offered
dupatas and colthes to boys. Donation be given to
Brahmin. One will be successful in her desires.

Tantric sadhana for wealth

1.For businessmen who feel that their business in not
progressing at the right pace should light a holy fire
every Wednesday and do Homa with the following
For Gaining Wealth and assets Continuously
Mentally chant the beej mantra of Maha Laxmi as much
as possible. Make this a habit, whenever you are free.
The beeja mantra of Mahalaxmi is:

For Removing Blockages in trade and Gaining assests
If you are unsuccessful in most of your business
activities and there are a lot of unforeseen obstacles
that suddenly crop up then this experiment is for you.
Take a cotton thread and tie seven knots on it. With
each knot chant the following
Ganpati mantra:


After that place this thread in a silver amulet and keep
this amulet in the front pocket of your shirt/coat. This
should be done around 10:00 in the morning.
For The one Who is cursed by Poverty
This is for people who have been engulfed by poverty
and nothing has given them benefit. This Mantra is
called as

One that
destroys poverty:


One should do 1, 3, 5, 7 rosaries of this mantra
everyday. The rosary should be of Kamalgatta (dried
lotus beads). Do this mantra is front of a picture of
Mother Laxmi after lighting a lamp of clarified butter
and incense stick.
Some of the Great Mantras of Wealth used by our
Rishis and Saints

Rishi Vashishtth

Rishi Vashishtth once said to his disciple Aarambik - I
am sitting down in Lakshmi Sadhana with the aim of
having the glimpse of the Goddess. There is no other
Sadhana more great than this. There is no other Mantra
more powerful than it. I wish to accomplish this
Sadhana so that I could have the blessings of the

Goddess Lakshmi.

On a Friday, Rishi Vashishtth placed a Lakshmi Yantra
before himself and made it consecrated with
Shreerodaya Mantra. Then he lit four lamps representing
Riddhi (wealth), Siddhi (spiritual powers), Shubh (luck)
and Laabh (gains). Then with a Sfatik rosary he started
to chant the following Mantra. The Mantra given by
Vashishtth is -

Om Hreem Kamal Vaasinyei Pratyaksham Hreem Phat.

For this Sadhana he had a bath at night and sat on a
yellow mat facing East. And as he completed 21 rounds
of the Mantra, Goddess Lakshmi appeared and said - I
am very much pleased with you. I shall forever bless
your hermitage with wealth and prosperity. You shall
never have to face any paucity, poverty or sorrow in
your life again.
This proved the power and efficacy of the Mantra,

Maharishi Pulatsya

Rishi Pulatsya accomplished a very special Lakshmi
Sadhana in order to gain wealth and prosperity. Many
texts contain reference to this Sadhana. He placed a
Shree Lakshmi Yantra in a copper plate and lit a ghee
lamp. He sat on a yellow mat facing North. Then with a
White Hakeek rosary he completed 11 rounds of a
Mantra which compelled Lakshmi to appear. This
proved that the Mantra devised by the sage was really
divine and efficacious. The Mantra used by the Rishi
was -

Om Hreem Hreem Hreem Kamal Vaasinyei Aagachch
Aagachch Hreem Hreem Hreem Namah.

After this many Sadhaks tested the power of this
Sadhana and each time it proved miraculously effective.
Yogi Shivanand

Yogi Shivanand is famous throughout India and there
were hundreds of powerful Lakshmi Sadhanas in his
Before leaving the mortal frame he revealed the
following powerful Sadhana to his disciple Kripacharya.
It is really wonderful that ought to be treasured because
it is very popular among the Yogis and Sanyasis, being
really efficacious.
In the night light six ghee lamps and place them in a
plate. Outside the plate place a Vijay Lakshmi Yantra
which must be consecrated and Mantra energised with
Vijay Mantra. Then with a Rakta Chandan or Coral
rosary chant the following Mantra.

Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Shreem Hreem Shreem Phat.

Chant 31 rounds of the Mantra in the same night. Any
person who has ever tried this Sadhana has experienced
that as soon as the Mantra chanting is over, Goddess
Lakshmi appears in a beautiful form and blesses the
individual with wealth and prosperity. This is really a
wonderful Sadhana.
Swami Sachidanand

The hermitage of Swami Sachidanand was in Tihri
Garhwal. It was very famous and well known. He had
procured a very ancient text from Nepal in which a very
special Sadhana of Goddess Lakshmi was given which
the Yogiraj had successfully accomplished.
This amazing Sadhana is contained in his handwritten
autobiography. Many Yogis have gained amazingly
much through this Sadhana.
In the night of any Wednesday have a bath and wear
yellow clothes. Sit on a worship mat facing North. In a
straight line light eleven lamps filled with oil. You can
use mustard, groundnut or sesame oil. Before them
place a Lakshmi Siddh Yantra which should be
energised with Vishnnu Mantra. Then with a Siddhi
rosary chant the following Mantra. You might hear tinkle
of jewellery or have a glimpse of the Goddess but do
not leave the chanting in the middle.

Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Ayeim Hreem Shreem Phat.

Several Yogis of the Himalayas have tried this ritual and
they experienced that it is really a very powerful Mantra.
Pagla Baba

Pagla Baba is famous in the whole of India and he has
donated lakhs of ruppees in his life time. Still there
seems to be no end to his wealth. In his youth he had
accomplished a Lakshmi Sadhana which is very secret.
It is as follows.
Fill a clay lamp with ghee and place it on your left.
Light it. Then with a Kamalgatta rosarychant 21 rounds
of the following Mantra.

Om Hreem Eishwarya Shreem Dhan Dhaanyaadhipatayei
Ayeim Poornnatva Lakshmi Siddhhayei Namah.

At least 21 rounds have to be chanted. After completion
of the chanting place the lamp on the floor. It is said
that this ritual has never failed. It is the best Sadhana
of the Hatha Yoga and if tried with full faith and
devotion it can never fail. Before the lamp the
Poornnatva Lakshmi Yantra has to be placed. After
Sadhana tie the Yantra in a yellow cloth and place it
where you keep your cash. It is without doubt one of
the best Sadhanas.
Experiences of some Tantriks


In the field of Tantra Guru Gorakhnath is remembered
with great respect. He accomplished a very powerful
Sadhana of Goddess Lakshmi and made his hermitage
so prosperous that no matter how much was spent, the
wealth never ran out. It is said that Goddess Lakshmi
ever remained present in his hermitage. Many Yogis
even claimed to have her glimpse there.
In the night of a Sunday place a Shwetaark Ganpati in a
plate and smear it with vermilion. Then with a silver
straw write on the idol -
Shreem Hreem Shreem
In the night wear a Dhoti/Saree and stand facing East.
Then with a Sfatik rosary chant 11 rounds of the


Hreem Hreem Lakshmi Aagachch Aagachch Hreem
Hreem Phat.

Do not sit down or sleep or drink water till 11 rounds
are over. If you feel tired you can stand against a wall.
There is no need of any lamp or incense in this
Sadhana. If you wish you can light an oil or ghee lamp.
This is an unfailing ritual and is very success oriented.

Guru Matsyendranath is as famous as Gorakhnath in
the field of Tantra. It is said that when it comes to the
highest level of Sadhanas Guru Matsyendranath was
even more accomplished than Guru Gorakhnath. He had
accomplished a very secret Sadhana related to Goddess
Lakshmi which I found in a Tibetan text.
Have a bath and wear a clean Dhoti. Don't wear any
other cloth. Sit on the floor without any mat facing the
North. Place a Heera Shankh before yourself. Then with
a Hakeek rosarychant 31 rounds of the following


Ayeim Yam Ram Shreem Yam Froum Kreem Phat.

This is a powerful Mantra made of Beej Mantras. It is
really very effective and each Sadhak should try to make
the best use of it.
Trijata Aghori

Anyone who has any interest in the field of Tantra or a
knowledge in this field is aware of Trijata Aghori. He is
a divine and powerful Master of Tantra. He possesses
divine powers. And presented here is an amazing
Lakshmi Sadhana got from him.
Place a Dhaneshwari Yantra and seven Gomti Chakras
before yourself. Light seven oil lamps placed in a plate
together. Then with a Siddhi rosary chant 11 rounds of
the following Mantra.

Hoom Hoom Hoom Shreem Shreem Shreem Bram Bram
Bram Phat.

This is a divine and amazing Mantra. This is a very
powerful and unfailing ritual that everyone must try on
Swami Bheiravanand

A very important ritual related to Lakshmi is famous in
Himachal Pradesh. Hundreds of Sadhaks have tried this
Sadhana. In the night place a Siyaar Singhi before
yourself. Make a mark on it with vermilion. Make a
similar mark on your forehead. Sit on a red mat facing
the North. Wear red clothes for the Sadhana. Light
seven ghee lamps or an oil lamp. Next chant the
following Bhaagyoday Lakshmi Mantra.

Om Lakshmi Aabadh Aabadh Siddhaya Siddhaya Phat.

Chant 5 rounds with a Sfatik rosary. As soon as the
Mantra chanting is concluded the grace of the Goddess
in obtained and the person never has to face any
paucity in the future. This is really a very powerful and
divine Mantra.
Avdhoot Krityanand

In the Avdhoot class of Sadhanas Swami Krityanand is
world famous. He once revealed a very important
Lakshmi Sadhana to me.
In any night take a Kaam Roopinni in your hand. Take a
clay lamp filled with oil in the same palm and light it.
With the eyes concentrated on the flame chant the
following Mantra with aRed Coral rosary. Chant 11
rounds of the Mantra.

Om Shram Siddheshwaraay Lam Mahaalakshmi Vam
Vashyamaanay Phat.

After the Mantra chanting place the Kamroopini in a
safe place at home. You shall be left amazed by the
effect of this Sadhana in a few days. Every Sadhak
should surely try this Sadhana.
Tantrik Halahalnand

In the field of Tantra Halahalnand is a very respectable
name. All his Sadhanas related to Lakshmi are
considered very divine.
In the night of a Tuesday wear red clothes and stand on
a red mat. Make a mark with vermilion on your
forehead. Take Vashikarann Lakshmi Yantra in your left
hand and with Siddh rosary in the right chant 21 rounds
of the following Mantra.

Aghor Lakshmi Mam Grihe Aagachch Sthaapay Tushtay
Poornnatvam Dehi Dehi Phat.

This is really an amazing Mantra ritual which appears
very simple but is really very powerful. Accomplishing it
means gaining the grace of the Goddess.
Swami Kevalyaanand

Swami Kevalyaanand is very famous in the region of
Uttar Kashi. He is a Sanyasi with very few needs but
once when challenged he accomplished this Sadhana
which is unfailing. In the night of a Tuesday sit in a
secluded spot and wear red clothes. Place ten Kelans
before yourself and light a large oil lamp. Offer vermilion
on each Kelan. With a Hakeek rosary chant five rounds
of the following Mantra.

Om Hreem Shreem Shriyei Phat.

Mohini Mantra Prayog For Vashikaran

Powerful Vashikaran Mohini Mantra

Prayog is for
Husband and Wife only, it is not for lover or love
relationship, you cannot do this prayog so far from
your life partner. In this procedure you give energized
food and drinks also you do some chanting and
procedure to make her/him slave. This procedure is
assured and very effective for everyone. If you have any
kind of problem in your married life so you can do this
mohini mantra prayog to make your husband or wife in
favor. For bad purpose if you try to do this prayog (for
example- you want to take revenge from life partner)
so it will harm you only and within soft heart and full
love doing this procedure so husband or wife will come
in favor so soon. This procedure is not possible by any
tantric or vashikaran specialist and there is no role of
Tantric in Vashikaran Mohini Mahaprayog. In this
concept you have to take diksha from your guru, if you
do not have guru so you should make a genuine guru
and after taking diksha for mohini prayog, you can
start this vashikaran mohini prayog. There are so many
mohini mantras available for different type of works
and also mohini anusthan prayog, mohini sadhna,
mohini tantra vidya and mohini kalp vidya available for
vashikaran, mohini vashikaran mantra makes person in
favor and positive for you and in many cases mohini
vashikaran works to make person crazy for someone
also. to make boss in favor, to get love back or to
make parents agree for the love marriage, to get
desired person as life partner or to make someone
agree for you this vashikaran is very helpful. If
someone not giving you loan or you have some legal
matters so you can use this vashikaran method to get
order in your favor. This vashikaran is 100% tantric
procedure and wedic rituals included in hawan also and
It has no side effects like evil spells for love. If you
have any kind of problem so you can emails us also
you can read this page carefully to get some free help
for your case.


This strong mohini vashikaran mantra you can recite
every night daily to make everyone positive for you, if
people not giving you respect in the office or your
relative not giving attention in social functions so you
can try this powerful mohini mantra prayog. For this
you need to seat on Black and Red shaded Woolen Mat,
Face east side, light a ghee lamp and recite this
mantra 501 times daily from pearl rosary. You should
avoid non veg and alcohol during this period when you
are invoking every night.


This Mahamohini vashikaran mantra you can try to get
love back from your wife or husband, For this
vashikaran mantra prayog you need to seat on black
mat, face north side, light a ghee lamp and recite this
mantra 501 times daily from Black Hakik Rosary. You
should avoid non veg and alcohol when invoking every
night for this mantra. This mohini vashikaran mantra
also applicable to energized food or drinks by some
different method.

Sex Power Mantra

Om kleem kamdevaya namah

recite this kamdev beej mantra 108 times three times to increase your sex power .

Advantages of kamdev beej mantra

1 Improves your sex power
2 Improves your love relationship
3 Makes you more attractive
4 Makes your face glow

Evil Spells

Evil Spells
Evil spells are used to destroy someone. These are very
dangerous up to the extent that even can kill someone.
Giantess powers are used in these spells and they
possess the mind or body of “The Target”. Such spells
are very common these days and people use them
particularly in jealous feelings to destroy someone.
One’s destiny, marriage, profession, career, education,
parenthood or business etc. can be bound using these
spells. By this way, he gets nothing even after his best
efforts and ultimately become unsuccessful. Evils spells
inspire one to end his life i.e. commit suicide. These
spells create dire consequences before you and destroy
peace and harmony of the family. Domestic violence
gets increased and the family is dispersed.
We are giving different mantras to stop evil spells
against you anyway. It is all in the interest of mankind.
Please do not misuse them anyway. It may bounce
back you and create dire consequences in your life
Spirit problem — Evil Curse by a lady which comes true
and affects people’s life and consequences..

Mantra to uproot a spirit problem (Sometimes when
one is going through graveyard or cemetery ground or
any lonely places where it is believed that ghosts or
some unsatisfied spirits are there, these souls may
possess him or her and the one has to bear a lot of
troubles even sexual harassment. Use this mantra to
solve such evil issues. This mantra is also known as

“Sarv masaan badha nivaran mantra”.

Safeda masaan guru gorakhnath ki aan
yamdand masaan kaal bhairo ki aan
sukiya masaan lona chamarin ki aan
phuliya masaan gore bhairo ki aan
haldiya masaan kakoda bhairo ki aan
piliya masaan dilli ki yogini ki aan
kamodiya masaan kalka ki aan
kikdiya masaan ramchandra ki aan
michmichiya masaan shiv shankar ki aan
silsiliya masaan veer mohammada peer ki aan .

Procedure: — Read the mantra 21 times on Friday with
burning lobaan and two joss sticks. It will get
energized. When to use, make an exorcism of the victim
using this mantra. Drinking or taking a bath with
energized water by this mantra will be much effective.
The spirit problem will get removed. Note: make a circle
around the victim while doing exorcism of him or her.

Islamic mantra

This mantra is used to cut the bad effects of any
mantra that is or being used to cast evil spells on you
or your family anyway.

Teli ki khopri chat chat ke maidan, upar chadha
mohammad sultan
mohammad sultan kiska beta, fatima ka beta
suar khay halaal kare, pai de pav vajr ki keel
kaat to mata ke doodh ko haram kah.

Procedure to use: –This mantra is used on an
auspicious point of time or Jumeraat to revert back the
evil spells cast on you. Say “Bismillah-hir-rahman-nir-
raheem” once in the beginning and start chanting this
mantra repeatedly. Do not say “bismillah…” then. Just
read the mantra again and again. Read the mantra
whole night up to sunrise. It will get powered. When
suppose to use, read the mantra 111 times at night
with full faith. The spells will bounce back on the spell

Hanuman shabar mantra

Hanuman Shabar Mantra To Demolish Enemies
Lord Hanuman is the incarnation of Lord Shiva .Lord
Hanuman is swift as mind, has a speed equal to the
wind God, has complete control on his senses, the son
of wind God, the one who is the chief of vanara army, is
the messenger of Rama, is the repository of
incomparable strength. is the destroyer of forces of
demons and liberates from dangers. This Shabar
Hanuman Mantra has the ability to remove all negative
energies hurled at you by enemies.
How To Chant The Mantra
Start From Friday.
Wear Black Clothes for this endeavor.
Use Black ‘Hakik Mala’ for this Mantra.
Chant 5 Rosary of this mantra for consecutive 5 days.
At the end of sadhna worship Lord Hanuman & dig a
hole for mala & put that mala into the ground.

हनुमान पहलवान बारह बरस का जवान मुख में बीरा हाथ में
कमान लोहे की लाठ वज्र का कीला जहां बैठे
तहां हनुमान हठीला बाल रे बाल राखो सीस रे सीस
राखो आगे जोगिनि राखो पाछे नरसिंह राखो जो कोइ
छल करे कपट करे तिनकी बुद्धि मति बांधो दुहाई
हनुमान वीर की शब्द साचा पिण्ड काचा फुरो मंत्र
ईश्वरो वाचा ॥
Hanuman Pehalwan Barah Baras Ka Jwan Mukh Me
Beera Haath Me Kaman Lohe Ki Laath Vajra Ka Keela
Jahan Baithe Tahan Hanumant Hatheela Baal Re Baal
Rakho Sees Re Sees Rakho Aage Jogini Rakho Paache
Naarsinh Rakho Jo Koi Chhal Kare Kapat Kare Tinki
Buddhi Mati Baandho Duhai Hanuman Veer Ki Shabad
Saacha Pind Kaacha Phuro Mantra Ishwaro Vacha

Powerful mantra for Enemy

Powerful Mantra to destroy enemies
This is considered a most powerful mantra to destroy
enemies. This is an Aghori Protection Mantra from the
Rudrayamala Tantra.The mantra is a Stambhan mantra
to stop the enemy in his tracks.
This mantra has to be recited 108 times taking the
name of the enemy, who is harming you. This it has
been stated in the Tantra will destroy his intellect.
I request you to be careful in practicing some of the
mantras which I have given. These are not to be taken
lightly and used for fun.

Om namo bhagwate vishwamitraya namah
Sarvamukhibhyam vishwamitragyamatiagachh swaha ll
ॐ नमो भगवते विश्वामित्राय नम:
सर्वमुखीभ्यां विश्वामित्राज्ञामतिआगच्छ स्वाहा ll

Monday, 13 January 2014

Mithai mohini mantra

This is the Mithai [Sweets, Indian or any sweets] Mohini
Mantra of attraction to bring any person under your
control. This mantra has to be recited 1441 times in a
period not exceeding 21 days to acquire Siddhi.This
Sadhana should be commenced on Saturday.
The after attaining Siddhi when ever you wish to use
this mantra, it is said in Shaabri Vidya that a peace of
Mithai should be abhimintrit[bound]by this mantra by
reciting this mantra 21 times by keeping the Mithai in
your hand. Who so ever you give that piece of Mithai to
eat will be attracted to you and do your bidding.
Please note i do not use or advocate the use of these
mantras,this is given for information purposes only.I
have tried to translate as best as i could.
Mithai Mohini Mantra

Om namo Kaamakhya Devi ko adesh jal mohu thal
mohu jungleki hirni mohu baat chalta barohi mohu
darbar baitha raja mohu palang baithe rani mohu
mohani mera naam mohu jagat sansar tara tarila totla
teeno base kapal siir chade matuke dushman paamal
karu gaatke Mohini Devi ko dosai firai ll

मिठाई मोहिनी मंत्र
ॐ नमो कामाख्या देवी को आदेश जल मोहूँ थल मोहूँ जंगलकी
हिरनी मोहूँ बाट चलता बरोही मोहूँ दरबार बैठा रजा मोहूँ पलंग
बैठी रानी मोहूँ मोहनी मेरा नाम मोहूँ जगत संसार तारा तरीला
तोतला तीनो बसे कपाल सिर चढ़े मातुके दुष्मन पामाल करू गातके
मोहिनी देवी को दोसाई फिरै ll

Mohini vashikaran

This is said to be another simple Vashikaran Attraction
experiment. This mantra has to recited 10,000 times to
acquire Siddhi [mastery].Then after that if you want to
use this Mantra recite it 108 times holding any king of
clothing, water or a flower in your hand. This will bind
that item with this Attraction Mantra.
Then you have to hand over that item to the person you
would like to attract. Doing this will make that person
attracted towards you.


Om hreem mohini swaha ll

ॐ ह्रीं मोहिनी स्वाहा

Vashikaran mantra for lover

ntra for lover
This is a Vashikaran mantra for the specific purpose of
attracting and wining over the person you love from the
bottom of your heart. This mantra can be tried by both
men and women.
Before starting one should pray for success in the
venture. Then for a total period of 21 days this mantra
has to be recited daily for a total of 108 times.
The words given in brackets should be replaced by the
full name of the person whose love you want to win
over. Then after 21 days Siddhi [mastery] is gained over
the mantra. Then when you want to use the mantra you
should give the person something to eat. That item
should be bound [abhimintrit] by this mantra, by holding
the eatable in your hand and reciting the mantra.


Om kameshwar [ name of lover ]
Aanaya aanaya vashna kleem!!

Unique vashikaran mantra

I am now giving a very unique Vashikaran mantra to
Attract one and, all be it humans [Prithvi Lok], the
lower spirits [Patal Lok] or the higher energies [Gods or
Dev Lok].This. Mantra is said to attract beings from all
the three worlds.
The Siddhi [mastery] is acquired on the day of any
Eclipse; Solar or Lunar by reciting the mantra in the
following manner-
1000 recitations will attract the lower spirits or Patal
10,000 recitations will attract the higher energies or
Gods [Dev Lok]
100,000 recitations will attract beings or energies from
all the three worlds the Prithvi Lok, Patal Lok and the
Dev Lok.

I am now giving a very unique Vashikaran mantra to
Attract one and, all be it humans [Prithvi Lok], the
lower spirits [Patal Lok] or the higher energies [Gods or
Dev Lok].This. Mantra is said to attract beings from all
the three worlds.
The Siddhi [mastery] is acquired on the day of any
Eclipse; Solar or Lunar by reciting the mantra in the
following manner-
1000 recitations will attract the lower spirits or Patal
10,000 recitations will attract the higher energies or
Gods [Dev Lok]
100,000 recitations will attract beings or energies from
all the three worlds the Prithvi Lok, Patal Lok and the
Dev Lok.


Klam klau hreem namah ll
क्लं क्लौ ह्रीं नम: ll

Klam klau hreem namah ll

क्लं क्लौ ह्रीं नम: ll

Vashikaran mantra 1

This mantra has to recited 10,000 times to acquire
siddhi.After acquiring siddhi the person you wish to
attract has to be given a flower abhimintrit[bound]by
this mantra 7 times. The use of this mantra has to be
done only on Sunday.

Om namo Chamund jaay jaay vishwa maanaya jaay
jaay sattva nama swaha ll

ॐ नमो चामुण्ड जय जय विश्व मानाय जय जय सत्वा नम: स्वाहा ll

Kuber mantras

This is a Kuber Mantra to open Blocked Fortune. It is
the experience of many capable persons all over the
world; that no matter how hard they try; how many
Mantras, Tantras, Sadhanas; they perform or practice;
their prayers are simply not answered. Such people
experience that nothing goes as per plan and success
always remains elusive; as if it is avoiding them.
One of the reasons given in the Tantra is the probability
of past and present life sins; blocking their progress.
This Kuber Mantra Prayog is said to be effective, in
giving relief to the cases mentioned earlier.
The Prayoga is thus – As per your financial position and
purchasing power; buy a Gold Leaf; with the figures of
Laxmi - Narayana ; engraved on it. On the other side of
the leaf; get a figure of a Man engraved.
Then install this gold leaf on a Copper Kalash; by
placing a Yellow colored piece of cloth on top of the
Kalash and then placing the Golf Leaf on it. Then
worship this Gold Leaf everyday; with the offering of
incense, oil lamp and scented flowers.
Then start chanting the Kuber Mantra given here in this
post. The Mantra has to be chanted 100,000 times in
all; this can be done by chanting a fixed number of
chants every day. Ladies if performing this Sadhana;
have to take a break; during the period of their
Menstrual Cycle.
When the 100,000 chants are completed; a person of
good character should be offer food and the Gold Leaf
should be given as Daan to that person

This is the Siddha Japa Mantra of Kubera; however
there is a specific Sadhana which has to be performed
to make the Mantra more fruitful and beneficial. The
Siddhi is gained by chanting the Mantra 10,000 times.
There are two kinds of ways given in the Tantra to
practice this Sadhana.
1] Sitting in Shivalaya and chanting the Mantra is said
to give immediate results and make the Mantra powerful
and potent.
2] Practicing the Sadhana; sitting under a Bael Tree also
give similar results.
In both the Sadhanas any Mala can be used; however a
Spathik or Laxmi Mala is preferred. It is recommended
that the Sadhak should face the Northern Direction as
Kuber is considered to be the Overlord of this Direction.
It is also advised that the Sadhak divides the number of
chants into 1000 chants per day. Ladies should avoid
the Sadhana ; when they are expecting the Monthly